dForce Pleated Skirt for G8F

dForce Pleated Skirt for G8F

dForce Pleated Skirt for Genesis 8 Female(s). The skirt works nice with all G8F figures. It works also with Genesis 3 Female via auto-fit.


  • 2 variants of pleates (2 skirts)
  • 66 Full Body Morphs:
    • Fit nice with 55 G8F characters: Aiko 8, Alawa 8, Alexandra 8, Angharad 8, Aubrey 8, Babina 8, Bridget 8, Celani 8, Charlotte 8, CJ 8, Daisy 8, Darcy 8, Edie 8, Ellithia 8, Eva 8, Gabriela 8, Gia 8, Grace Yong, Honni 8, Jenni 8, Josephene 8, Kala 8, Kanade 8, Karyssa 8, Kayo 8, Latonya 8, Leisa 8, Mabel 8, MeiLin 8, Mika 8, Monique 8, MrsChow 8, Nida 8, Olympia 8, Penny 8, Robyn 8, Rynne 8, Sahira 8, Sakura 8, Sydney 8, Tasha 8, Teen Jane 8, Teen Josie 8, Teen Raven 8, Tika 8, Victoria 8, Zelara 8, Sabby Rowan, SASE Shona + characters from 3D Universe: Amber, Dayton, Gayll, Heidi, Paige, Ravyn.
    • Other 11 FBMs: Bodybuilder, Fitness, BodybuilderSize, BodySize, BodyTone, Emaciated, FitnessSize, Heavy, PearFigure, Thin, Voluptuous.
  • 12 fabric textures / 48 material presets at all (different colors, etc.). Iray only:
    • 4 Fabric materials (19 presets at all: different colors, etc.)
    • 4 Miltary materials (4 presets) **
    • 4 Plaid materials (25 presets) **
  • 3 Morphs: Up, Front Up, Back Up
  • Panties (L.I.E.): white, black, red and blue colors
  • 3 dForce presets
  • 16 surfaces (for better and various texturing)
  • Tidy mesh (see preview image), so you can easily create new surfaces.

Almost all textures are just seamless patterns added to "Diffuse Overlay" or "Base Color" parameters. So you can easily replace them to any you want. Moreover, in my shader there are separate "Horizontal/Vertical Tiles" and "Offsets" for "Base Color" and "Diffuse Overlay" parameters, so you can play with them and get different skirt looks with only one seamless pattern! Don't be shy to experiment. :)

Additional materials for the skirt:

Materials for dForce Pleated Skirt
Plaid Materials for dForce Pleated Skirt
Plaid Materials for dForce Pleated Skirt (pack 2)
Plaid Materials for dForce Pleated Skirt - pack 3

Compatible Figures:

Genesis 8 Female

Compatible Software:

DAZ Studio 4.10+

Compatible figures: 
Clothing for Poser and Daz Studio