Dynamic Slip Dress

Dynamic Slip Dress


Elegant and balanced dynamic slip dress with multi-character support and morphs.

This pack contains:

* Dress .pp2 props (V4/V6/Dawn)
* Morphs on the dynamic props (non-crosstalk)
* Materials (.mc6)
* Instructions and Cloth Room tips


Note: This product is not suitable for DAZ Studio - the Poser Cloth Room is required.


Promo Credits are found under the Promo Credits Tab.

Additional Promo Credits: Various poses among which can be mentioned poses by ironman13 and DM's PrettyDawn by Danie and marforno. (Too many poses in my runtime nowadays to keep track of them all...)

Poser 6, Poser 7, Poser 8, Poser 9, Poser Pro 2010, Poser Pro 2012, Poser 10, Poser Pro 2014

Base Figures: Victoria 4, Dawn, Victoria 6/Genesis 2 Female

Digital ProductFile (1): 45.42 MBFile (2): 44.09 MBFile (3): 3.41 MB

Clothing for Poser and Daz Studio