Hearts Bikini Swimsuit for DAZ Genesis 3 Female

Hearts Bikini Swimsuit for DAZ Genesis 3 Female
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Set of clothes Hearts Bikini Swimsuit for Victoria 7 consists of 6 pieces:

1 Hearts Bikini Bra
2 Hearts Bikini Panty
3 Beach Pareo
4 Hearts Beach Flip-Flops
5 Hearts Hat (props)
6 Beach Bag (props)

This clothing set was created for the Genesis 3 Female by Daz3D. Many G3 character morphs in the set have been smoothed and perfected to improve their appearance, however, you may use it with any character you like, as it will auto-fit to any G3 female morph using auto-follow in DAZ Studio 4.8 or higher


20 Material Presets for Iray (.duf)
20 Material Presets for 3Delight (.duf)

59 complete high resolution texture/bumpmaps/displacement/specular (4096x4096) (.jpg, .png)

Software: Daz Studio 4

Base Figures:  Genesis 3 Female

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: November 9, 2015

Compatible figures: 
Clothing for Poser and Daz Studio