dForce Short Dress With Open Back

dForce Short Dress With Open Back

The product consist of:

1 Dress (dForce)
6 Material Options (Iray)
1 Fabric Texture (Bump map) Apply it after floral pattern material or use fabric texture that you like

Color of white mat can be changed in Base color or Diffuse color options.
4k High quality textures. All vector floral patterns are created by me.
Supported basic Genesis 8 Female shape morphs, FBMs.

Installation Instructions:

Extract the zip-archive with your unzip program:
- Open your unzip program and press the button -Extract To-
- Select the folder with you DAZ Studio libraries
- Make sure that an option to extract full paths is selected to make sure you keep the right folder structures within your DAZ folder.

To use correctly you have to follow this steps for each part:

1) Load your Genesis 8 figure (it may be already morphed if you wish)
2) Load the outfit part by double clicking while the G8 Figure is selected.
3) Apply the materials you want from the Materials folder.

Compatible figures: 
3D Models