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EVERYPlant Carboniferous Biome for Poser preview image 0EVERYPlant Carboniferous Biome for Poser preview image 1EVERYPlant Carboniferous Biome for Poser preview image 2EVERYPlant Carboniferous Biome for Poser preview image 3EVERYPlant Carboniferous Biome for Poser preview image 4EVERYPlant Carboniferous Biome for Poser preview image 5EVERYPlant Carboniferous Biome for Poser preview image 6EVERYPlant Carboniferous Biome for Poser preview image 7EVERYPlant Carboniferous Biome for Poser preview image 8EVERYPlant Carboniferous Biome for Poser preview image 9EVERYPlant Carboniferous Biome for Poser preview image 10EVERYPlant Carboniferous Biome for Poser preview image 11EVERYPlant Carboniferous Biome for Poser preview image 12EVERYPlant Carboniferous Biome for Poser preview image 13Name: Carboniferous Biome
*219 models, unprecedented value*
Biome packs are a collection of all the plants you need to satisfy a particular type of scene, containing both common and some rarer plants. Each plant species has several variations to allow for a diversity of scenes. Variation may include health, maturity, season (if appropriate), LOD and various other modifications.
Biome packs are substantially discounted over the cost of the individual plants. All individual files are available in store separately (except BONUS item, see below).
Notes: The Carboniferous was a period spanning 360 to 290 million years ago. The period is characterised by swampy, humid floodplains, and vast forests covering the land. These would eventually become the coal beds of today. The main Early Carboniferous plants were the Equisetales (horse-tails), Sphenophyllales (scrambling plants), Lycopodiales (club mosses), Lepidodendrales (scale trees), Filicales (ferns), Medullosales (seed ferns) and the Cordaitales. These continued to dominate throughout the period, but during late Carboniferous, several other groups, Cycadophyta (cycads), the Callistophytales (another group of seed ferns), and the Voltziales (related to and sometimes included under the conifers), appeared.
BONUS: This pack contains bonus items that cannot be bought individually and are available only in this pack. The bonus item allows you to complete your Carboniferous scene by including uprooted or broken Cordaites trees. There are 21 models representing uprooted, fallen, clipped, broken, stump, etc.
Included in this Package:
- Complete plant solution for this type of biome.
- 219 models.
- 12 plant species.
- Maturity variations for each plant.
- Health variations for each plant.
- LOD variations for each plant.
- Other variations for some plants.
- Discounted price.
- BONUS item. See above.
Species in this Package:
- Sigillaria Densifolia.
- Calamites Suckowii.
- Medullosa Noei.
- Calamites Carinatus.
- Calamites Undulatus.
- Lepidodendron Aculeatum.
- Calamites Cruciatus.
- Sphenophylum Miravallis.
- Cordaites Principalis.
- Chaloneria Cormosa.
- Lyginopteris Royalii.
- Psaronius Simplex.
- BONUS. See above.
Any reasonable modification available upon request. No charge to existing customers of the product, please contact via site mail.
EVERYPlant has a mission ... which is to model every plant species in the world (plus some extinct, fantasy and sci-fi variations as well)! Okay, maybe not EVERY plant! If you don't see it in our store, please get in contact; we have thousands of species on file awaiting upload.
Software: Poser 13
Where to buy: Renderosity
Publish date: December 29, 2024