Heroes - Redantom For Poser preview image 0Heroes - Redantom For Poser preview image 1Heroes - Redantom For Poser preview image 2Heroes - Redantom For Poser preview image 3Heroes - Redantom For Poser preview image 4Heroes - Redantom For Poser preview image 5Heroes - Redantom For Poser preview image 6
This highly detailed standalone Superhero figure is configured for Poser only, a separate DAZ Studio version is available. Includes one figure set up with weight maps for use in Poser 9 and Poser Pro 2012, and another with the standard Poser rigging for use in Poser 8 and before. There are two textures available Maroon and Red, and with many material zones and included MAT files it is possible to make many different colour combinations. Numerous morphs are included to shape body and face. There are 28 poses included and smart props of a Katana sword and Saya scabbard.
- Compatible 3D Figures
- N/A
- Compatible 3D Software
- Poser
- What's Included & Features
- Redantom for Poser: (.CR2 and .OBJ)
- Poser 8 Version
- Poser 9 Version
- Body Morphs
- Arms_Small
- Biceps_Bigger
- Chest_Bigger
- Genital_Bulge
- Hide_Straps
- Hide_StrapsRoundel
- Hide_BootCuffs
- Inhale
- KneeCaps
- Lats_Larger
- Legs_Bulky
- LowerBody_Small
- Stomach_PullIn
- Traps_Bigger
- Thigh_Muscles
- Triceps_Bigger
- UpperBody_Bulky
- UpperBody_Small
- Head Morphs:
- Ears_Prominent
- Eyes_Blink
- Eyes_Blink_L
- Eyes_Blink_R
- Face_BrowCenPinch
- Face_BrowCenUp
- Face_BrowDefined
- Face_BrowDown
- Face_BrowRidges
- Face_BrowSmooth
- Face_BrowUp
- Face_CheeksBlow
- Face_CheeksHollow
- Face_ChinNarrow
- Face_JawLeft
- Face_JawRight
- Face_JawSquare
- Face_MouthOpen
- Face_MouthOpenWide
- Face_NoseDefined
- FaceMask_Defined
- Head_Narrow
- Head_TemplesIn
- Mask_Horns
- Mask_EyeLidLowDown
- Bandana Morphs:
- Hide_BandanaTies
- Hide_FaceBandana
- lMaskEndBendAll
- MaskEndSideAll
- lMaskEndSBend
- lMaskEndSSide
- lMaskEndTwistAll
- lMaskEndSpiralSide
- lMaskEndSpiralBend
- rMaskEndTwistAll
- rMaskEndSideAll
- rMaskEndBendAll
- rMaskEndSSide
- rMaskEndSBend
- rMaskEndSpiralSide
- rMaskEndSpiralBend
- Eye Morphs:
- IrisSmall
- IrisFlat
- IrisBig
- PupilSlit_Vert
- PupilSlit_Horiz
- PinPointPupil
- DilatePupil
- CorneaFlat
- CorneaBig
- SqueezeEye
- ExpandCornea
- Advanced Body Controls:
- Eye Controls:
- Eyes_Side-Side
- Eyes_Up-Down
- EyeBalls_Sideways
- EyeBalls_Fwd-Back
- EyeBalls_Up-Down
- EyeBalls_Size
- Head-Neck Controls:
- CTRLNeckHeadBend
- CTRLNeckHeadSide-Side
- CTRLNeckHeadTwist
- SCLHeadSize
- Torso Controls:
- CTRLTorsoBend
- CTRLTorsoTwist
- CTRLTorsoSide-Side
- CTRLWaistBend
- CTRLWaistBendBack
- CTRLWaistBendFront
- Arm-Hand Controls:
- SCLHandsSize
- CTRLArmFront-BackL
- CTRLArmFront-BackR
- CTRLArmsFront-Back
- CTRLArmsUp-Down
- CTRLArmTwistL
- CTRLArmTwistR
- CTRLForeArmBendL
- CTRLForeArmBendR
- CTRLShoulderShrug
- CTRLShoulderShrugR
- CTRLShoulderShrugL
- Leg-Feet Controls:
- CTRLKneeBendL
- CTRLKneeBendR
- CTRLLegsBend
- CTRLLLegBend
- CTRLRLegBend
- CTRLLegsSplay
- CTRLLLegSide-Side
- CTRLRLegSide-Side
- CTRLLLegTwist
- CTRLRLegTwist
- CTRLFootBendL
- CTRLFootBendR
- CTRLFeetTipToes
- CTRLFootTipToeL
- CTRLFootTipToeR
- Eye Controls:
- Material Options:
- 2 Back
- 3 Bandana
- 3 Belt
- 3 Boots
- 2 Chest
- 5 EyeGaurds
- 4 Eyes
- 2 EyeSkin
- 2 ForeArm
- 3 Full
- 2 Gloves
- 2 Legs
- 2 Mask
- 2 Pants
- 3 Roundels
- 2 Sides
- 2 Stomach
- 4 Straps
- 2 UpperArms
- Smart Props: (.PP2 and .OBJ)
- 1 Katana
- 1 Saya
- 1 Katana and Saya
- 28 Poses (.PZ2)
- 2 IK Off/On Files (.PZ2)
- 3 Hand Poses (.HD2)
- Textures Include:
- 18 Texture, Bump, Displacement, Normal and Speccular Maps (4096 x 4096)
- 2 Texture and Bump Maps (2048 x 2048)
- 13 Texture and Bump Maps (512 x 512)
- Poser Material Presets (.MC6)
- Redantom for Poser: (.CR2 and .OBJ)
Where to buy: