Flinks Skull & Bones

Flinks Skull & Bones
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Flinks Skull & Bones contains:

7 different hill objects (bone, ground and skull as separate objects)
5 small round and square flat objects (ground, bones and skull as separate objects)
8 different tile objects (ground, bone and skull as separate objects)
The tiles match the tiles of "Instant Meadow 3" and "Instant Forest" and can be combined with these tiles.

6 different skull piles
6 different bone piles with skulls as a separate object
10 individual skulls
3 individual bones
5 different color schemes
Most objects have 5 material channels for bones and skulls, so the color schemes can be combined in one object.

15 Ground textures
These can also be used for Instant Meadow 3 tiles etc.

For Poser:

7 Hill Objects
Ground, bones and skull as individual objects and a combined object

6 Skull piles objects
6 Bone piles Objects
With skulls as a combined object.

3 individual bone objects
10 individual skull objects
5 small round and square flat objects
Ground, bones and skull as individual objects and a combined object

8 different tile objects
Ground, bones and skull as individual objects and a combined object

4 combined objects (large landscapes)
15 Ground materials
23 Bone materials
28 Skull Materials

For DAZStudio4.9 Materials&Shaders:

66 different DAZ materials and shaders

For OBJ:

45 individual OBJs (Ground, bone and skull combined in one object)
82 texture maps(jpg)

For Vue:

Only parts of the package are included as native Vue objects:

6 Skull piles objects with two mixed color schemes
6 bones and skull piles objects with two mixed color schemes
6 Bones (without skull) piles objects with two mixed color schemes
13 individual objects (3 bones, 10 skulls) in all 5 color schemes
40 Vue materials (contains 5 ground materials)

Software: Poser 8+, Vue 11

Requirements:  3d software with obj import

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: October 9, 2017

Props for Poser and Daz Studio