The Korean hwacha, or rocket-arrow launcher, was used during the Joseon Dynasty, particularly during the Imjin Wars of the latter 16th century. It proved very effective on the battlefield.
This package includes:
1 hwacha figure, capable of rolling and aiming;
7 aiming poses for the hwacha;
1 aiming block smart prop for the hwacha;
3 MAT options for the hwacha, and 2 poses to either hide or show its fuse;
1 rocket-arrow smart prop composed of 70 arrows, which is parented to the hwacha;
A simple bamboo torch prop, available on its own and as a smart prop to either of M4's hands;
A hand pose for M4 to grip the torch;
16 M4 poses and 1 partial arm pose
All the M4 poses are mirrored.
Please see ReadMe for more details. Apologies for any mistakes in the Korean.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Poser users must manually position and parent the arrow prop. Special instructional icons in the prop folder have been included to help you. DAZ Studio users may ignore these instructional icons
Product requirements
- Software:
- Poser 6, Poser 7, Poser 8, Poser 9, Poser Pro 2010, Poser Pro 2012, Daz Studio 4.5, Daz Studio 3, Poser Pro 2014, Daz Studio 4.6
- Base Figures:
- Michael 4