Seamless textures of marble, malachite, agate and others

Seamless textures of marble, malachite, agate and others
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Seamless textures of marble, malachite, agate and others.

Seamless textures of semi-precious stones and minerals such as marble, malachite, agate and others.

Only 15 pieces. Also, each texture is in three different sizes from which you can choose the most convenient for you, the sizes are great for 3d programs-1024x1024; 2048x2048 ; 4096x4096 and sorted

If you wish to use this product as a merchant resource, please note the following.

With this product you can:
Apply these textures, either as is, or modified, to your 3D models that will be offered for sale.
Derive new textures from these and apply them to your 3D models that will be offered for sale.

With this product you cannot:
Derive new textures that will be offered for sale as part of a texture pack.
Create a free texture resource to be given away.

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: January 5, 2021

Textures for Poser and Daz Studio