Fiat-Allis Loader FR 130 (for Poser)

Fiat-Allis Loader FR 130 (for Poser)

Product Features:
* Front scoop can be raised and lowered (with an ERC dial on the BODY).
- This also affects the attached gas cylinders.
* Front scoop can also tilt front-back (with an ERC dial on the BODY).
- This also affects the attached gas cylinders.
* Front section can steer (with an ERC dial on the BODY).
* All four wheels can rotate.
- A forward-back ERC dial moves the vehicle and rotates the wheels.
- A second ERC dial rotates the wheels.
* The cab door can open and close (with an ERC dial on the BODY).
* The right and left mirrors can rotate.
* This model uses advanced ERC controls and is meant for use in Poser 9 and above.

Product requirements

Poser 9, Poser Pro 2010, Poser Pro 2012, Poser 10, Poser Pro 2014
Base Figures:
Victoria 4, Victoria 3,
Michael 3, Michael 4, Dawn

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: February 19, 2014

Transportation for Poser