M7 Priest (for Poser)

M7 Priest (for Poser)

Model Features:
This Poser model of American M7 Priest self-propelled gun, so named because of the pulpit style mounting of it's machine gun, is historically accurate and totally animatable.

It has been scaled to fit the standard Poser figures, and features a vast array of moving parts, all linked by ERC from the main body tab.

Fully working tracks, which are controlled individually left and right from dials on the body tab, or together, both forwards and backwards. All the wheels are already linked to turn in time to the tracks.

All hatches open and close, including the driver and engine hatches, as well as the side flaps. The bolts for the side flaps are also moveable.

The Browning machine gun can rotate, traverse and elevate, and the whole machine gun and ammo boxes can be made invisible to be replaced by the fully animatable belt fed Browning included with Poser 7.

All parts of the main gun are linked by ERC and controls are on the body tab. Elevating the gun will also turn the elevation wheel, opening the breech will move the breech handle, and the gun also has the ability to move backwards in the recoil when firing.

Many other moving parts, as well as the ability to remove all the props and tools, make this model easy to use and very versatile.

Product requirements

Poser 5 or above
Transportation for Poser