

She slowly walked through the factory corridor, it had been a long couple of days playing cat and mouse with her adversaries...but like in any game there are winners and there are losers, losing was not an option. The factory had technically been abandoned for quite some time, an old auto parts manufacturer, what they built now was much more sinister, and much more deadly. She had been on edge since this op started; things at home weren't quite right, boyfriends come and gone...the usual destructive landscape that marked her life...was her life.
She held up her hand and closed her fist, the rest of her team stopped and stood dead still, she heard movement and talking up ahead coming their way. She flashed a hand signal to the rest of her team, "Hide and be ready, on me." They all faded into the background, becoming part of their surroundings, effortlessly and noiselessly fading into the walls.
Hell was about to rain and she was playing mother nature.
As with all Dark Edge Design products, scrupulous attention to detail was modeled into the product. Normal maps are used to add to the realism and custom diffuse, specular and bump maps were created to bring the product to life. Custom movement morphs for the outfit were created in Zbrush.

Step up your game with Dark Edge Design.

I would like to thank Isidore, Eliane CK, Matthew Pinchbeck and David Alejandro Mejia for helping to bring this product to life with their awesome renders.

Product Includes:

But wait...there's more! The Mike4A1 and .45 guns come with Ghost Patrol, Hand poses included!

Poser Version: Poser 5+
Zip Files: 2 Zip Files (49.7Mb, 29.7Mb)
Date Added: Nov 8, 2013

Product requirements

Victoria 4

Compatible figures: 
V4 Clothing for Poser