Chain Control for Poser 12

Chain Control for Poser 12

Chain Control Python script for Poser 12. Requires Poser 12.0.703 or later.

This is a Python script to automate the posing of long bone chains figure items that ship with no posing dials. Examples are whips, tails, ropes, chains, and tentacle figures.

How many of such figures you have never used because they have no posing dials, where manually posing long bone chains is discouraging? This script came to help with that by offering a simple universal tool that can pose just about any figure that have bone chains!


> Universal: works with any figure that have bone chains!
> Pose ANY bone chain with simple sliders.
> 4 different chain posing methods: Bend, S-Bend, Wave, and Spiral.
> Pose the entire chain, or parts of it, depending on what is selected!
> Combine any of the 4 chain posing methods in any order.
> Bend individual X, Y and Z axes with different posing methods.
> Reset the entire chain, only parts of it, or by individual axis.
> Customize the Wave bending frequency to create more posing variety.
> Toggle auto-docking on/off.
> Fully illustrated built-in PDF manual (launch it from the script!).
> Smart dockable panel integrates seamlessly with Poser.

Software: Poser 12

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: November 24, 2021

3D Models for Daz Studio and Poser