Increase the versatility of your CPS-ShinyMetals1 shader set. You already have the basic colours, now change their appearance. Included in this expansion pack for ShinyMetals1 you will find 10 new reflection maps & settings as well as a 'reset' to ShinyMetals1 default reflection maps and a remove all maps - this may increase render times, but now you can choose! Added to this are 10 bump map settings and a remove bumps setting; 10 displacement map settings and a remove displacement setting; 10 bump and displacement settings for easy one click matching of bump and displacement and a one click remove bump and displacement setting; finally there are 20 tiling options to alter the appearance of these shaders even further. You can mix and match different reflection, bump and displacement settings for some outrageous combinations or smoothly combine all settings for almost seamless appearance*. Also, there are 40 new colours - 20 Neon and 20 Pastel. And all of this with settings tailored for Iray and 3Delight, giving you literally thousands of combination options!
*Please note these maps are not entirely seamless.
Software: Daz Studio 4
Required Products: CPS-ShinyMetal1