DA-Endless Summer for Salient Dawn2- Poser

DA-Endless Summer for Salient Dawn2- Poser

Within this package you get 22 textures (incl. transp. & bump ) for „Dynamic Salient for Dawn 2 Poser by -Wolfie-“. (https://www.renderosity.com/marketplace/products/164471/dynamic-salient-...)
10 new styles for dress.

These comes as mc6 and are optimized for firefly & superfly

Compatible figures: Dawn 2

Required Products: Dynamic Salient for Dawn 2 Poser

Software: Poser Pro 11, Poser 12, Poser 13

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: October 5, 2024

Compatible figures: 
Clothing for Daz Studio and Poser