Flinks SnowFX

Flinks SnowFX
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Flinks SnowFX contains:

129 different snow objects
There are 9 Poser materials (8 Superfly, 1 Firefly) and 8 DAZ materials included.

The objects are divided into the following categories:

Snow clumps of various sizes. From small snowflakes to snowballs and larger clumps. The smaller ones are good for particles or the scatter extensions of Poser and DAZ. The larger objects can be used to quickly cover other objects, for example.

Snow that splatters in all directions

Footprints in the snow

Snow fountains of varying size and intensity

Snow objects that are hollow inside and consist only of a shell of snowflakes. This includes larger objects that would otherwise have contained excessive polygons.

Snowflakes and piles that lie on the ground, e.g. are flat at the bottom.

Snow that sticks or bounces off a wall or other vertical object.

Snow that lies in a square shape on the ground. These can be tiled to create larger snow-covered areas.

For Poser:

129 SnowFX Props
1 Firefly Material
8 Superfly Material

For OBJ:

129 SnowFX OBJ
63 textures (jpg)

For DAZStudio:

8 Iray Material Presets

created with DAZ4.20

Software: Poser Pro 11, Poser 12

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: January 11, 2023

Props for Poser and Daz Studio