Sophie PinkPunk for LaFemme2

Sophie PinkPunk for LaFemme2

Sophie PinkPunk for LaFemme2 consists of a Dress, Boots, Cane and TopHat that gives LaFemme2 a variety of "Pink" Steampunk styled outfits. The is a Dynamic Cloth outfit.

What you get with this package:
Materials (.mc6)
- 6 Superfly materials for Sophie PinkPunk Boots
- 4 Superfly materials for Sophie PinkPunk Cane
- 8 Superfly materials for Sophie PinkPunk Dress
- 5 Superfly materials for Sophie PinkPunk TopHat

Compatible figures: La Femme

Software: Poser 12, Poser 13

Compatible figures: 
Clothing for Daz Studio and Poser