Queen of Spades Underwear for G8

Queen of Spades Underwear for G8

Tube Top and Underwear for your favorite G8 character, comes with adjustment morphs and some morphs for moving the underwear out of the way

File path:
\People\Genesis 8 Female\Clothing\XR71\QoS Underwear

This package is includes:

Micro Tube Top (Top works on normal sized breasts, anything too big will get distorted, was really hard to fix sorry)
with textures

You can adjust the spade color in the materials parameters

(will make some additional free textures in the future)

Panty Morphs
-Back Adjust
-Front Adjust
-Slide Front Left
-Slide Front Right

You may need to increase the collision iterations to solve some rare pokethrough when using the morphs.

If the textures look pixelated try increasing the Texture Compression Under RenderSettings>Advanced tab
mine are set to 2048 Medium threshold and 4096 High threshold

Please let me know if there are any problems so I can fix them right away, send me a MSG over renderhub.

Compatible figures: 
3D Models