Fork Lift

Fork Lift

Fork Lift includes the vehicle, barrel, box and pallet props for Poser and DAZ Studio. The Fork Lift is pre-scaled and ready for use with Poser humanoid figures and includes two driver poses for Victoria 4 and Michael 4. Thre are also textures and templates for all items.

Compatible 3D Figures
Victoria 4, Michael 4, Aiko 4, Victoria 4 Elite, Michael 4 Elite, The Girl 4, Stephanie 4, Hiro 4, The Freak 4
Compatible 3D Software
DAZ Studio, Poser
What's Included & Features
  • Fork Lift
    • Pallet 4 Barrels
    • Pallet 8 Boxes
  • Pose:
    • ForkLift Driver M4
    • ForkLift Driver V4
  • Props:
    • Barrel
    • Box
    • Pallet
  • Textures:
    • FlBarrelT (800 x 800)
    • FlBoxT (800 x 800)
    • FlPalletB (1200 x 1200)
    • FlPalletT (1200 x 1200)
    • ForkliftB4 (1000 x 1000)
    • ForkliftT1 (2000 x 2000)
    • ForkliftT2 (2000 x 2000)
    • ForkliftT3 (1500 x 1500)
    • ForkliftT4 (1000 x 1000)
  • P5+ Material Poses (PZ2)
  • P6+ Material Presets (MC6)
  • DAZ Studio Material Presets (DS)
  • Material Poses to Apply All Presets
Vehicles for Daz Studio and Poser