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The New Adventure Expansion preview image 0The New Adventure Expansion preview image 1The New Adventure Expansion preview image 2Not just for Star League Poster Boys (or Girls) anymore! Cloth the entire crew with this stellar morph expansion set. Full morph fits for all 9 clothing pieces for BOTH the Michael 4 and Victoria 4 outfits plus the 2 computers and now also includes fits for the V4_UTNAShirt.
- Required Products
- The New Adventure Continues
- Notes
- * V4_UTNAShirt_X requires the free item Uzilite New Adventure V4 Suit from Renderosity.
- Compatible 3D Figures
- Victoria 4, Aiko 4, Hiro 4, The Freak 4
- Compatible 3D Software
- DAZ Studio, Poser
- What's Included & Features
- The New Adventure Continues Expansion: (.CR2 Only)
- Victoria 4:
- aTNAComputer_X
- aTNAUndies_X
- V4_uTNABoots_X
- V4_uTNADress_X
- V4_uTNAJacket_X
- V4_uTNASuit_X
- BONUS: V4_UTNAShirt_X*
- Supported Morphs:
- Morphs++:
- FBMAmazon
- FBMBodyBuilder
- FBMBulk
- FBMDefinition
- FBMEmaciated
- FBMFitness
- FBMHeavy
- FBMPearFigure
- FBMThin
- FBMVoluptuous
- FBMYoung
- PBMAreolaOut
- PBMAreolaPerk
- PBMAreolaSize
- PBMArmSize
- PBMBellySmooth
- PBMBellyThickness
- PBMBellyThin
- PBMBicepsFlex
- PBMBreastsCleavage
- PBMBreastsCleavageWidth
- PBMBreastsDiameter
- PBMBreastsDroop
- PBMBreastsFlatten
- PBMBreastsHangForward
- PBMBreastsImplant
- PBMBreastsLarge
- PBMBreastsNatural
- PBMBreastsPerk
- PBMBreastsSize
- PBMCalvesFlex
- PBMForearmsThickness
- PBMGluteCreaseL
- PBMGluteCreaseR
- PBMGluteFlexL
- PBMGluteFlexR
- PBMGluteRaiseL
- PBMGluteRaiseR
- PBMGlutesDimpleDepth
- PBMGlutesSize
- PBMHipsCrest
- PBMHipsSize
- PBMInhale
- PBMLatsSize
- PBMLoveHandleL
- PBMLoveHandleR
- PBMNeckThickness
- PBMNipples
- PBMNipplesBig
- PBMNipplesDepth
- PBMNipplesHeight
- PBMPregnant
- PBMShinsThickness
- PBMShouldersThickness
- PBMSternumHeight
- PBMSternumWidth
- PBMStomachDepth
- PBMThighsThickness
- PBMThighsTone
- PBMTorsoThickness
- PBMTrapsSize
- PBMTummyOut
- PBMWaistWidth
- Elite:
- FBMFantasiaBody
- FBMSylphBody
- FBMUtopianBody
- Aiko 4:
- FBMA4AikoBody
- FBMA4AikoPetite
- FBMA4Realistic
- FBMA4Stylized
- The Girl 4:
- Reby Sky:
- FBMRebySky
- Stephanie 4:
- FBMS4Caitlyn
- FBMS4Ella
- FBMS4Grace
- FBMS4Isabelle
- FBMS4Lily
- FBMS4Madeline
- FBMS4Natalie
- FBMS4Paige
- FBMS4Stephanie
- PBMBreastVolume
- PBMChestDepth
- PBMClaviclesDefine
- PBMForeArmsContour
- PBMGluteLowerDepth
- PBMGluteSmoothed
- PBMGluteUpperDepth
- PBMKneeCapVolume
- PBMKneeWidth
- PBMLineaAlbaDepth
- PBMLowerBackDepth
- PBMLowerObliqueDepth
- PBMNeckSmooth
- PBMPubicDepth
- PBMRibCageContour
- PBMRibCageDetail
- PBMRibCageLowerDepth
- PBMRibCageSmooth
- PBMRibCageVolume
- PBMShldrBladeDepth
- PBMShouldersDepth
- PBMSmoothAbdomenLower
- PBMSternumDetail
- PBMThighFrontContour
- PBMThighInnerContour
- PBMThighOuterContour
- PBMUpperArmsContour
- PBMWaistOuterContour
- Michael 4:
- M4_uTNAComputer_X
- M4_uTNAJacket_X
- M4_UtnaPants_X
- M4_UtnaShirt_X
- M4_UtnaShortSleeve_X
- Supported Morphs:
- Morphs++:
- FBMBeerBelly
- FBMBodyBuilder
- FBMBulk
- FBMDefinition
- FBMEmaciated
- FBMHeavy
- FBMJeremy
- FBMSmooth
- FBMSuperHero
- FBMThin (Carried from Original Set)
- FBMYoung
- PBMAreolaOut
- PBMAreolaPerk
- PBMAreolaSize
- PBMArmSize
- PBMBellySmooth
- PBMBellyThickness
- PBMBellyThin
- PBMBicepsFlex
- PBMBicepsFlexPeak
- PBMCalvesFlex
- PBMChestBuilt
- PBMChestDiameter
- PBMChestDroop
- PBMChestFlatten
- PBMChestLarge
- PBMChestMassive
- PBMChestSize
- PBMChestSmall
- PBMChestSternum
- PBMForearmsThickness
- PBMGluteCreaseL
- PBMGluteCreaseR
- PBMGluteFlexL
- PBMGluteFlexR
- PBMGluteRaiseL
- PBMGluteRaiseR
- PBMGlutesDimpleDepth
- PBMGlutesSize
- PBMHipsCrest
- PBMHipsSize
- PBMInhale
- PBMLatsSize
- PBMLoveHandleL
- PBMLoveHandleR
- PBMNeckThickness
- PBMNipples
- PBMNipplesBig
- PBMNipplesDepth
- PBMNipplesHeight
- PBMShinsThickness
- PBMShouldersMassive
- PBMShouldersThickness
- PBMSternumHeight
- PBMSternumWidth
- PBMStomachDepth
- PBMThighsThickness
- PBMThighsTone
- PBMTorsoThickness
- PBMTrapsSize
- PBMTricepsFlex
- PBMTricepsRelax
- PBMTummyOut
- PBMWaistWidth
- Elite:
- FBMAdonis
- FBMProsaic
- FBMSpartan
- FBMSvelte
- Hiro 4:
- FBMH4HiroBody
- FBMH4HiroBuilt
- FBMH4HiroRealistic
- FBMH4HiroStylized
- The Freak 4:
- FBMF4Heroic
- FBMF4Legendary
- FBMF4Monstrous
- FBMF4Trollish
- PBMF4FootWidth
- PBMF4HamLimbedArms
- PBMF4HamLimbedLegs
- PBMF4HeavyBelly
- PBMF4LowerBodyStr
- PBMF4UpperBodyStr
- Up to 17 Adjustment Morphs in Each Clothing Piece
- The New Adventure Props: (.PP2 Only)
- M4_UTNACom_Case_X
- M4_UTNAHolster_X
- uTNACom_Case_X
- uTNAHolster_X
- The New Adventure Continues Expansion: (.CR2 Only)
- What's Included & Features
- Up to 17 Adjustment Morphs in Each Clothing Piece
Where to buy: Daz3d
Publish date: March 5, 2013
Compatible figures: