dforce only FurWear WinterElegance Dress G3G8

dforce only FurWear WinterElegance Dress G3G8
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dforce only FurWear Winter Elegance Dress G3G8.

At the strike of 12, as 2019 comes in, your lady will be wearing this elegant long gown adorned with a selection of furs.
She'll feel warm and cozy yet so very sexy!
dforce is required to use this product!
Info on dforce: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKdVVimeWRg

**optional: Take Ten Hanger & Wisteria Hanger
*optional: 3 Poses by Danie & Marforno (Flirtylicious Sit 03F & SeductiveGleam Sit 05F & SeductiveGleam Sit 07F)

- 1 Wearable Set G3F
- 1 Wearable Set G8F
- 1 dforce only Dress G3F
- 1 dforce only Dress G8F
- 2 dforce Furs


- Easy to See
- 4 Styles
- 10 Plain colors
- 10 Metallic colors
- 10 Partial Long Plain colors
- 10 Partial Long Metallic colors
- 10 Partial Top (Under Fur) Plain colors
- 10 Partial Top (Under Fur) Metallic colors
- 3 Shine Options for Plain colors + 2 shine specific
- 6 Knits
- 15 Transparency Mat Presets including partials
- 4 Partial Off options + Return to 00
- Utilities: Metallic OFF + Shine OFF

- 26 Fur colors (compatible with Spicy Winter Boots'& Leggings' Furs)
- IRAY Material Presets only
- 5 One click Undress + RESTORE
- 18 One click Windy (including 2 that are only for G3 or G8 Default G3 Body Pose) + RESTORE
- 4 One click To Floor + RESTORE
- *3 Pose Specific G3 + 3 Pose Specific G8
- **5 One click Hang + RESTORE (including 1 for TakeTen Hanger + 1 for Wisteria Hanger)
- Dynamic Restore & All Morphs Restore & 1 Click Restore
- 20 Surface Presets Windy + Default
- 4 Surface Presets Undress + Default
- 3 Partial Surface Presets: Control Back Long + Control Front Long + Top in Place
- Default + Change Style + Crossed Leg + Free Surface Presets

Software: DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY, DAZ Studio 4.9.4 (Needed for G8F/M), Daz Studio 4.10 + (required for dForce)

Compatible figures: Genesis 3 Female, Genesis 8 Female

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: December 29, 2018

Compatible figures: 
Clothing for Poser and Daz Studio