AtoZ DragonFire Launch Tower I v1 for Poser and DS

AtoZ DragonFire Launch Tower I v1 for Poser and DS
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AtoZ DragonFire Launch Tower I v1

Hidden in the rough terrain in the jagged mountains of the Kudos land masses reside massive DragonFire Launch Towers. They each sit with as many as three DragonFires at the ready to vault skyward to eliminate any invaders who come to Kudos to steal. You two DragonFires can be housed inside each of these huge buildings. One in the angled Launch Tunnel, one in the Main Section and another can sit on the exterior landing platform.

The AtoZ DragonFire Launch Tower has not only fully articulated upper tower flight doors(AtoZEZ2Use ERCs) but also an inner double blast door(ERC), not to mention a fully articulated Tube Transport Receiver with inner (ERC) and outer door seals(ERC). It also features a sealing rotating receiver(ERC). That's five Access ERCs AND, you can easily hide any of the main buildings walls for great camera shots(4 more ERCs)!

Oh yes! And, in the Launch Tube Interior you can ERC show and hide the "Floor" Launch Lights ... there are 10 operational rows of these ... so you can make a phenominal video with "strobing" launch paths! Have Fun!

In or on the exterior of these mission critical structures the DragonFires await small intruders. These are usually very small pirating syndicate skimmers. Some are larger, but anything too big is intercepted by the Deep Ten Net and the Launch Towers remain sealed. So the ships that come are either launched from afar and evade the Net. Some are sacrificial ships that are designed to look Iike pieces blown off of a larger ship. It’s “death” scatters the small ships which wait until a Destroyer leaves the area then they make a run at the surface. Should any of them make to the surface and return then they would be retrieved far away from the planet.

Note: Kudos story line below, no included products discussed.
When one of these thieves attack, the DragonFires near their entry points respond with deadly force. The Kudos Watch Towers help identify and verify attack vectors the lone operator pervTower assists the DragonFires. The Kudos Watch Towers also can serve as complete back up targeting platforms to assure no thief escapes the surface with a priceless load.

If an attack comes wave after wave a fight can take anywhere up three days to complete. If the DragonFires have to stay aloft, then the Kudos Microwave Towers activate as necessary to power the fighters in their turbine assisted atmospheric hover mode.

Perhaps, long ago a thief might have made it to and from Kudos. Pirating legends hint that such an event happened. It is the role of Kudos Planetary Defense to make and future attacks and the rumors or tall tales they spawn are never verified.

Loads in Poser Runtime>
Textures>TJM> and Kudos>
Cameras>TJM>Kudos> 1 Default Kudos Set
Characters>TJM>Kudos>DragonFire Launch Tower (loaded)
Light>TJM>Kudos> 1 Default Kudos Set

Loads in DAZ 3D My Library>
Textures>TJM> and Kudos>
Cameras>TJM>Kudos> 1 Default Kudos Set
Characters>TJM>Kudos>DragonFire Launch Tower (loaded) see Scene Subsets below!
Light>TJM>Kudos> 1 Default Kudos Set
Scene Subsets>AtoZ Kudos < Launch Tower Here!

I hope you decide to add this AtoZ offering to you Libraries, as should you choose to do so, my I thank you in advance!
Legal Copyright 2019 Tim Machan's AtoZ, Inc.
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Where is the Kudos System? What is so unique about the planet Kudos? I'll ask you to imagine a system moving outward from the center of the Big Bang faster than any other. Then imagine a planet that has it's sun circling it. Can you picture a shifting molten surface with few stable continents? Would you dare visit it's highly radioactive surface? In order to do this you'll have to descend through it's heavily clouded atmosphere that is extremely toxic and corrosive. If you make it you will then be able to witness storm systems that move at 800 miles per hour. They travel with miles long sweeping lightning panels that last for hours. Can you begin to imagine the extraordinary pressures these panels exert on the surface, let alone the heat they generate? Behind these panels are powerful super-heated updrafts that carry molten materials miles into the sky where they congeal. Behind these storms these now purified materials rain down on the surface. It is no surprise that the surface of Kudos is littered with layer upon layer of pure rare minerals and gems. It is a planet whose value is beyond comprehension. Now, who has found this place and dared to try to tame it? With pirates, thieves and scoundrels trying to scoop up the planet's treasure, how do they protected it? Beyond all this are its deepest mysteries, the secrets of its existence. The planet's discovery and answers to the questions above and so much more are available to you at Amazon Books (Kindle)... The first book of “The Chronicles of Kudos” is titled “Way Station II” and you can read some of it there for free! Maybe you'll find out about the rarest of materials in the universe that can only be found on Kudos!

Poser 7+, Daz Studio 4

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: April 24, 2019

Architecture for Poser and Daz Studio