Le Vestiaire

Le Vestiaire
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Le Vestiaire is a detailed reinterpretation of the Modular Dressing Room with a classic Art Deco twist. It includes several looks for each/all the Dressing Room's elements and accessories, with minutely detailed touches, such as dresses with closures, perfume bottles that are labeled and named, gilded black lacquer furniture and wardrobes with with etched mirrors and designs evocative of the glory of 20's and 30's style. Among over a hundred scene files, Le Vestiaire also includes different layouts for Night and Day scenes, as an example of the many room designs that can easily be created.

Le Vestiaire includes 107 Iray scene settings for quick scene designs and 102 Iray material settings, as well as custom thumbnails and tip files for ease of use, all supported by 148 high resolution texture images, composed of diffusion, bump, specularity, displacement, metallicity, normal, transparency and reflective images.

Send me a little site mail when you upload an image with Le Vestiare, I would love to see our visions joined in your own creations!

Software: Daz Studio 4.10 + (required for dForce)

Required Products: Modular Dressing Room

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: September 17, 2019

Architecture for Poser and Daz Studio