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AtoZ The Pyramid Over Planet Kudos I v1 preview image 0AtoZ The Pyramid Over Planet Kudos I v1 preview image 1AtoZ The Pyramid Over Planet Kudos I v1 preview image 2AtoZ The Pyramid Over Planet Kudos I v1 preview image 3AtoZ The Pyramid Over Planet Kudos I v1 preview image 4AtoZ The Pyramid Over Planet Kudos I v1 preview image 5AtoZ The Pyramid Over Planet Kudos I v1 preview image 6
AtoZ The Pyramid Over Planet Kudos I v1
The Pyramid, a gargantuan platform that was years in the making has finally arrived on station near the Planet Kudos. It is in the final stages of assembling itself over the dangerous Planet Kudos (see video link below). The Pyramid is actually comprised of fifteen individual fully equipped battle ready warships. The Pyramid once assembled will be ready to fulill its designed purpose. It will serve as the primary Kudos System defense control and cammand center. It will coordinate all O.K.W. activities both on the planet's surface and for its surface and sub-terranian bases, Dragonfire Launch Towers, Microwave Support Domes and the accompanying Watch Towers. It will also coordinate the bases and defense of Kudos's two smaller sister planets and the Deep Net 10 the surrounds the system. All these are designed to keep enemies from invading or stealing the valuable minerals, gems let alone the rarest and most valuable Shard of unique forms only found on the planet's surface. On the included model there is one of Kudos's violent paneled lightning storms that from space appears as a bright white line. That line in actuality is raging across its surface at over two hundred miles an hour. These storms with accompanying eight hundred mile an hour winds have been sweeping across bot land masses and molten oceans of Kudos for centuries. These panels of lightning have applied intense heat and pressure to the surface. As these long duration panels have swept across the surface they have vaporized it. These hot vapors rise tens of thousands of feet where they cool and rain back onto the surface as extraordinarily purified minerals, gems and Shard fragments.
This set includes both The Pyramid and the Planet Kudos with its strange twin atmospheric systems.
Note #1: These models are HUGE! As seen in the video and the Promo Pics, they dwarf other spacecraft.
Note #2: Because these are so large (and even though the textures they come with are also huge) the these to models are not designed for close up use. Kind of like AtoZ Geeble Buildings... So, be sure to set your cameras to a Yon of 4000+. My Poser 7 renders of these were done using the Front Camera.
Please watch the 1080p video of the final stages of its assembly when it arrived on YouTube at:
Included: in Runtime>
Textures>TJM>Kudos and >Pyramid
>The Pyramid
One Planet with separate Surface and two individual Cloud Spheres
One Planet with Surface only
One Pyramid comprised of fifteen separate parts (primary component around which all other parts assemble is middle section named Center 1, Center 2 is the upper section of the sperical center of the Pyramid and Center 3 resides below. The inner ends of three of the six Bridge sections connect to Center 2 and the second three attach to Center 3. The outer ends of the Bridge ships connect to the six Edge sections which in turn each connect to the other Edge ships where they meet to form the Triangular Tetrahedron shape of The Pyramid).
Libraries>Props>TJM>Kudos>Planet Kudos>2D Billboards
One Planet 2D Single Sided Billboard
One Planet 2D Double Sided Billboard
Libraries>Props>TJM>Kudos>Kudos MATs
>Planet Kudos 2D Billboard
Three Single sided MAT Poses for the planet
Three Double Sided MAT Poses for the planet
>The Pyramid
The Pyramid Bright
The Pyramid Dark
The Pyramid Normal
One Preset for 6 Cameras - Main, Aux, Dolly, Left, Right & Top
I hope you enjoy the video and will consider adding The Pyramid and the Planet Kudos to your libraries.
If you do so, may I thank you in advance.
Legal Copyright 2020 Tim Machan's AtoZ, Inc.
Renderosity License in Documents Folder
Poser 7+
Where to buy: Renderosity
Publish date: January 17, 2020