The ancients used standing stones to mark their sacred spaces or to honor their dead. Sometimes erected as is, imposing and majestic without any further human manipulation. Others were carved with mystical glyphs or runes. Standalone standing stones can be added to any scene or used with the included bonus terrains.
13 Standing Stone Props (as scene subsets)
1 Petroglyph Wearable Iray Decal Preset
1 Small Terrain Prop (as scene subset)
6 Stone Material Presets for each standing stone
12 Material Presets for the petroglyph decal
1 Material Preset for the terrain
Bonus: Standing Stones Preset featuring all 13 stones and a large terrain
Iray materials only: 3Delight NOT included. HDRIs, Light Presets, Render Presets, etc. NOT included.
DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY