Sci-Fi Modular Hangar for Poser

Sci-Fi Modular Hangar for Poser
Buy It

Sci-Fi Modular Hangar for Poser is a wonderful product for your creativity.
A great product with lots of details.
The product consists of 12 parts.
You can use them together.
You can use them separately.
I hope you enjoy!

Poser 6, Poser 7+, Poser 8 / Poser Pro 2010+, Poser 10 / Poser Pro 2014 +, Poser 9 / Poser Pro 2012 +, Poser Pro 11, Poser 12

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: July 24, 2021

Architecture for Poser and Daz Studio