Queen's Outfit for GF9-GF8

Queen's Outfit for GF9-GF8

Creating morphs is not easy, especially for Daz Studio characters, as there are countless variations of characters. I think you had a situation where you downloaded clothes that you liked, but when you put them on your character, they just looked terrible. Crooked morphs, artifacts, bad topology…‥ I also encountered this a lot, and I was tired of editing such clothes. So I started thinking about how to create clothes that would suit any character, any generation. And I think I solved this problem. I present to your attention a new generation product for Daz Studio.

Be sure to read the file Read Me.


- Skirt
- Hoodie

Benefits of my product:

Correct topology
Ease of creating morphs
Can be worn on any character regardless of generation.
Partially or completely undress the character.


Requires Marvelous Designer software.
(Of course, you can add a clothing modifier in the Daz Studio program itself, but this will only be a pitiful semblance of clothing simulation.)

I hope you like my product. If you have any problems with this product, please contact me.

3D Models