Jepe's Z-Bundle II preview image 0Jepe's Z-Bundle II preview image 1Jepe's Z-Bundle II preview image 2Jepe's Z-Bundle II preview image 3Jepe's Z-Bundle II preview image 4
Jepe's Z-Bundle II is the second Ultimate Collection of 2D Billboard Special Effects for your 3D applications containing everything you need to enhance your art work right within your 3D scene.
- Compatible 3D Software
- DAZ Studio, Poser
- What's Included & Features
- This bundle includes the following products:
- Jepe's PillarZ II
- Jepe's PillarZ
- Jepe's SpecialZ
- Jepe's SpecialZ II
- Jepe's Cosmics
- This bundle includes the following products:
Where to buy: