Battleship Variations for the Massena

Battleship Variations for the Massena
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This add-on set for, and requiring the Massena Pre-Dreadnought Battleship, converts the historical Massena into any number of imaginary early battleships. Designed for Poser, it is compatible with DAZ Studio.

ADD-ON for Massena Pre-Dreadnought Battleship (Required)

o Lattice & Tripod Masts – These smart prop sets, which may be mixed and matched replace the historical Massena masts with hyperboloid lattice or caged masts, a type that was used on US battleships beginning in 1910, and on the ships of some other navies, or with tripod masts, a type used by many navies from the beginning of the 1900s.
o Massena Add-ons - These historical smart prop sets (various guns, deck fittings, and platform tarps) appear in some Massena plan drawings and some photos.
o Extras – Bonus content (various guns and a resizable deck vent) that may be placed anywhere on the Massena (or any ship).

Utility poses to close all the port doors on the turret guns and to hide the Massena nameplate.
o Crew – M4 positioned at various places around the ship.
o Lattice & Tripod – Separately hide the fore and aft mast parts that conflict with the corresponding mast props. There are also MAT poses for the lattice mast searchlights glow.
o MATs
- Dazzle camouflage MATs for the Massena and for the mast sets
- Default MATs to restore the mast sets to as-loaded materials.
- Flag MATs – Flags and jacks of various nations as well as fantasy steampunk flags to match the Steampunk airship product. (A Materials folder is also provided for these flags. See ReadMe.)

o Additional Dolly Camera settings for various exterior interior views.

o Spotlights parented to the aft lattice mast searchlights

The Battleship Variations are designed for Poser but load, operate, and render in DAZ Studio.

See the ReadMe file and view the product promos above for more information.

Poser 7+, Daz Studio 4

Required Products:  
Massena Pre-Dreadnought Battleship

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: October 5, 2022

Props for Poser and Daz Studio