The Storm Riders Airship

The Storm Riders Airship

Why, I do wish to present to y'all for your viewin' pleasure, the finest Airship this side of the Great Divide! Why yes it is, this is indeed the Famed ship from the Dread SkyPirate Captain herself! This ship is the one that evaded the Garboth Blockade AND made the Tressa Run in just under 13 kegs. But enough about her illustrious past all of which you already know!

She has room for 30 passengers and crew, more if you get cozy, and has ample space for stretching the legs! If you want to get Stary-eyed, have no fear! She has a widow's walk along her upper spine! She's perfectly tame for those who wish for a smooth ride, and more than capable of handling the worst you can throw at her! What's that, Do you fear OTHER SkyPirates?

Well, let me tell you something, in addition to her WELL STOCKED Armory, we also have five, count them, FIVE guns with which to defend yourself! Now that may not sound like much, and indeed it does not. However, two of these guns are more than capable of blasting any other Airship out of the sky if you have a skilled eye. The other three, you ask? Well, they're capable of punching through the armor of a Battleship at no less than a thousand yards, or reaching even further with pin-point accuracy!

Now before you ask whether or not she gets good fuel mileage, she does indeed! Her engines are powered by Magi-tech crystals, though they will need to be changed after every twenty-thousand leagues. Oh, and as for where you can park this beauty of a ship? Anywhere you wish. She can be parked in the water, for she floats! She can be parked on a field, for she has landing gear! She can be parked in the air! If you have the brass, you can EVEN park her underground.

Truly, the sky's limits don't apply, though she does have a limit to how high she can fly. What is that limit, you ask? How high can you breathe?

What's Included and Features

  • Storm Rider's Airship
  • Vehicle Name:
    • Weather Deck: Controls the outrigger engines, has the balloons and exterior deck.
      • 22 Dials.
    • Bridge: Controls the ship, has the map table and Helm.
      • 29 Dials
    • Lower Interior: Houses the Bunk rooms, ventral access.
      • 14 Dials
    • Lower Exterior: Has the Landing Gear, ventral doors.
      • 10 Dials
    • Aft Midships: Has the Captain's Quarters, Armory and Misc rooms, plus tail.
      • 7 Dials
    • Deck Guns: Interior based cannons that are intended for the Broadside.
      • 5 Dials
    • Chase Guns: Guns mounted on the bow of the ship for frontal combat.
      • 3 Dials
    • Bow Bullet:Special bullet designed for the chase gun.
    • Anchor Chain: Self explanatory.
    • Prop Blur: The propeller blurs prop.
    • Bunks: Where the people sleep.
  • Materials: Four materials for the Bow Bullet and two for the lighting.
  • Poses: Five for the Chase Guns. One for the Loading Positions of the Chase Guns.
    • Materials Range from 2048 x 2048 to 4096 x 4096

Compatible Figures:

Genesis 9

Compatible Software:

Daz Studio 4.22

Install Types:

DazCentral, Daz Connect, DIM, Manual Install

Compatible figures: 
The Storm Riders Airship | 3D Models for Daz Studio