EmZac DiscFlyer

EmZac DiscFlyer
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EmZac originated from the czech colloquial term "emzák" meaning an alien, derived from abbreviation M.Z. (Mimo Zemský - extra-terrestrian). Our little skinny alien arrives on Earth with the worst possible intentions, to conquer and subdue its population and destroy what is possible, traveling in a small single-seater flying saucer, which is included in this product. It is a nimble and dangerous craft, powered by an engine of unknown design and unknown fuel. It is armed by a single retractable beam gun cannon capable of high-precision long-range shooting. The pilot sits in the middle of the saucer in a cockpit covered by a glass dome, from which he has a view in all directions. Due to its high speed and small size, the machine is very difficult to hit and therefore represents a tough nut to crack for the Earth defense air force. The discflyer pilot, EmZac the Alien is available in a separate product.

What is included:
Poser ERC figure
EmZac Discflyer

Yellow and Red Color Variant
Black and Red Color Variant
Multiple superfly light emmitor and ambient glow fx.
PBR and Specular variants for all metallic parts.

3 cockpit helmet light presets

EmZac sitting inside Flyer (suitable also for tother characters, with adjustments)

Up to 4kx4k and textures suitable for closeups, Unpacked Runtime Size: 40 MB.
suitable for animations. Comics inspiration/Original Design.
This flying saucer vehicle is part of thematic addon for my original figure Instant Zombies: Herr Cadaver. Vehicle can be used with any other humanoid character of similar size.

Poser 8 / Poser Pro 2010+, Poser 10 / Poser Pro 2014 +, Daz Studio 4, Poser 9 / Poser Pro 2012 +, Poser Pro 11, Poser 12

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: January 4, 2022

Props for Poser and Daz Studio