Package includes:
1. HH Olympia 50 Low 02 - shoes With height of heel 50. Weighted to G8F skeleton.
Requires "HH Olympia Starter Kit"
1. Select G8F in to scene.
2. Load appropriate initial pose to G8F. In this case 50.- included in "HH Olympia Starter Kit"
3. Activate Tools > Joint Editor
4. Right click on Viewport.
5. On Popup menu select Edit > Bake Joint Rotations...
6. Load shoes on G8F.
7. Select shoes on Scene Explorer and load desired materials.
8. G8F is ready to pose with shoes
NOTE: HH Olympia works only with poses created with appropriate Baked Joint Rotations.
Usage of other type of poses gives unexpected results.
BIG NOTE : Don't rotate metatarsals and toes, this distort shoes.