Package includes:
1. HH Olympia 75 flat 03 - shoes With height of heel 75. Weighted to G8F skeleton.
Requires "Olympia Heels Starter Kit for Genesis 8 Female"
1. Select G8F in to scene.
2. Load appropriate initial pose to G8F. In this case 75.- included in "Olympia Heels Starter Kit for Genesis 8 Female"
3. Activate Tools > Joint Editor
4. Right click on Viewport.
5. On Popup menu select Edit > Bake Joint Rotations...
6. Load shoes on G8F.
7. Select shoes on Scene Explorer and load desired materials.
8. G8F is ready to pose with shoes
NOTE: HH Olympia works only with poses created with appropriate Baked Joint Rotations. Usage of other type of poses gives unexpected results.
BIG NOTE : Don't rotate metatarsals and toes, this distort shoes.
Mames specification :
HH Olympia 100 High 01
HH Olympia - brand name
100 - height of heel - 0;25;50;75;100
High - Height of sole - Ultra High;High;Low;Flat
01 - Produkt ID