M.O.M Crowd Generator BUNDLE

M.O.M Crowd Generator BUNDLE


Complete crowd generator collection (6 products): Essential for your runtime!

- M.O.M Crowd generator
- M.O.M Sexy generator
- M.O.M Traffic Jam
- M.O.M Unlimited Zombie
- M.O.M Warriors Of Evil
- M.O.M Forest Generator

Click on "promo credits" tab to watch individual products.

Poser 6, Poser 7, Poser 8, Poser 9, Poser Pro 2010, Poser Pro 2012, Daz Studio 4.5, Daz Studio 3, Poser 5, Poser 10, Poser Pro 2014

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Digital ProductFile (1): 19.85 MBFile (2): 45.43 MBFile (3): 33.07 MBFile (4): 13 MBFile (5): 12.04 MBFile (6): 20.36 MBFile (7): 26.85 MBFile (8): 23.98 MBFile (9): 12.77 MBFile (10): 17.64 MBFile (11): 2.08 MB

3D Models for Poser and Daz Studio