SASSY SWIRLS Transparent Seamless Overlay Pack

SASSY SWIRLS Transparent Seamless Overlay Pack

SASSY SWIRLS Transparent Seamless Overlay Pack
Copyright ©2013 Roberta Dugan
Created by: fractalartist01/Roberta B. Dugan

--If you love ornate swirls, curls, scrolls, fancy flourishes,'re going to love this overlays package! You have never seen so many swirls and curls!! This is a designer resource pack was created to save you both time and extra work. Please refer to my Terms Of Use listed listed in the read me file.

--You will receive 30 seamless transparent fancy seamless transparent swirly print overlays that can be used hundreds of different ways! Personally, I use swirls and curls in my designs a lot. They can give any web or scrap booking design a refined, elegant look or sometimes they will add just a touch of whimsy! The overlays are .png files that can be used in any photo/art software application. They are totally seamless and have no background or shadows. Created at 300dpi, they will work perfectly for either the web or print design. These are wonderful for making backgrounds! And also great for creating beautifuly scrolled/embossed product page backgrounds.

--Vendors of scrap booking/web designers: Make a plain colored or fabric seamless background at 600x600pixels/300dpi. Lay a COPY of one of the plain black transparent swirled overlays over that background layer. (or you can select and fill with your pattern bucket of fill tool) The overlay should be on its' own layer-right above the background layer. Go to the Blend Modes tool for the overlay layer and change it to "Overlay" or "Multipy"...and viola! You can adjust the opacity of the overlay layer according to how bright or dark you want your embossing to appear. I usually take mine down to about 75%, but that will vary with the background used and the type of effect effect you want. Always use your eye to adjust the overlay on the paper/background look exactly the way you want it and then merge the two layers together. You now have an engraved/embossed seamless pattern/background in your desired color with swirl embossing. Use this in hundreds of different ways!! (the embossing also looks great over print backgrounds)

--Of course, you can also style these with layer styles; use other plug-in filters on them; use actions/scripts on them or even fill them with solid colors or prints. Create beautiful embellishments, wallpapers, backgrounds, scrap booking papers, fill picture frames, clothing, household items, etc. Use them over and over again, for many years to come!

--Tip: Because these overlays are seamless at 600x600 pixels, you can fill any size image (divisible by 600) by using your pattern fill tool or paint bucket and tapping the overlay inside with one click! Don't discount the value of these overlays being seamless! Most swirled overlays are not and this was not an easy thing to do. It makes your resource tool much more versatile for all kinds of design images.

--MINI-TUT for enlarging or reducing: Make sure the desired overlay is in your pattern fill bucket/tool. You can make it 100% or 50%, whatever you like. Using your ruler and tap a 1200x 1200 pixels transparency at 600 pixels height x 600 pixels width point on your page with your mouse and it will still be seamless. The same applies for any blank image or background that is divisible by 600: 1200, 1800, 2400, 3600 pixels, etc. So, you are not just limited to using them at the 600pixels size.

Product Contents:
*30 original and SEAMLESS, Transparent Sassy Swirl Print overlay textures. 600x600 pixels each; 300dpi; png file format.

--Click on the thumbnails below to view the product pages and get inspired by some of the images you can create. Please remember that all of the product page images examples are reduced in size. Since these were created at a high resolution, it's easy to re-size. Just use your 'unsharp mask' tool for a crisper image.

Product requirements

Any program that edits .png files

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: May 17, 2013

2D and Merchant Resources for Poser and Daz Studio