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Pegasus Modeler 4.0 Upgrade from 3.0 preview image 0Pegasus Modeler 4.0 Upgrade from 3.0 preview image 1Pegasus Modeler 4.0 Upgrade from 3.0 preview image 2Pegasus Modeler 4.0 Upgrade from 3.0 preview image 3Pegasus Modeler 4.0 Upgrade from 3.0 preview image 4Pegasus Modeler 4.0 Upgrade from 3.0 preview image 5Pegasus Modeler 4.0 Upgrade from 3.0 preview image 6Pegasus is a Subdivision Polygon Modeler built from the ground up for creating content for Poser. I have taken my years of experience in creating models for Poser and optimized Pegasus for that purpose. What this means is it works at Poser’s scale (no scaling up or down when importing or exporting), it supports creating groups without splitting the model into parts, it allows for creating material zones and groups separately, it has special display modes for grouping and material zone editing, and it has independent object display modes which are crucial when modeling using a character model as a guide. It also features low distortion, easy to setup UV unwrapping. In addition I have made Pegasus easy to learn by including a complete video tutorial: “Modeling Clothes for Poser and Daz Studio Using Pegasus”.
What's Included and Features
- Support for Windows 10
- Snap to face
- Trim Tool
- Wrinkle Cut Tool
- Edge sharpness – allows greater control over how mesh is subdivided.
- Local Absolute axis movement.
- Improved Extrude tool.
- Improved Create Polygon Tool
- Improved UV generation
- Select Edge Path
- Subdivide Tool has option to create new mesh/create symmetrical geometry.
- Bodysuit Starter Mesh for Genesis 3 Female
- Group hide/show shortcuts for Genesis 3 Female
- Snap Radius preference
- Show Vertex option for viewport and model
- Show Manipulator option for viewport
- Visible/resizable brush for paint selection
- Morph Editing
- Magnet Deformers
- Custom Layouts
- New video tutorial: “Modeling Clothes for Genesis Using Pegasus”
- Hide vertices while moving option
- Type in Transforms (Scale/Move/Rotate)
- Shortcuts to Hide/Show Groups
- Bodysuit Starter Meshes for Genesis and Victoria 5
- Lock selection option
- Rotation and scale increments in preferences
- Import .obj files as morphs
- Synchronize Views
- Same
- Symmetrical
- Special
- Camera Memory (for each view)
- Smooth Selected
- Expand Selected
- Shrink Selected
- Show Backfaces
- See-through
- See-through Selected
- Show Subdivision in view option
- Show Frozen in view option
- Favorites section in toolbox
- Highlights symmetrical verts/edges/polys
- Temporarily disables Aero on Vista/Windows 7
- Bodysuit primitive mesh
- Interactive Subdivision Modeling
- Individual object display mode
- Independent viewport display mode
- Up to four independent views
- User editable keyboard shortcuts and mouse controls
- Low distortion UV Unwrapping
- 1 hour modeling video tutorial: “Modeling Clothes for Poser Using Pegasus”
- Modeling Basics
- Getting Started
- Modeling
- UV Mapping
- Grouping & Export
- Grouping that does not split verts
- Material Zone editing
- Symmetrical Modeling
- Symmetrical Instance (for modeling)
- Symmetrical Selection (for tweaking)
- Modeling commands
- Extrude
- Bevel
- Tweak
- Move/Scale/Rotate
- Spin Edge
- Cut
- Connect
- Ring Selection
- Loop Selection
- Local Subdivision
- Weld
- Create Symmetrical Geometry
- Duplicate Mesh
- Subdivide/Subdivide Smooth
- Remove
- Disconnect Edges
- Split UVs
- Attach Mesh
- Supports Ngons (polygons with more than 4 sides)
- Subdivide UVs
- Obj Import/Export
- Customizable user interface
- Rectangle Selection
- Paint Selection
- Polygon Selection
- Soft Selection
- Auto Backup
- Backup on save
- Multiple Undo levels
- Auto Software updates
- Adjustable pivot point for Scale/Rotation
- Primitive Meshes
- Box
- Plane
- Sphere
- Shirt
- Pants
- Image Plane
- This product must be downloaded from the Product Library and is not available through DIM or Connect.
- Requirements:
- This product is for Windows platform only
- System Requirements
- Windows 7 or Windows 10
- CPU: Pentium 4, 1.3 GHz
- System Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Disk Space: 90MB free hard drive space
- OpenGL 1.0 compatible graphics card with at least 128 MB RAM and the latest drivers
- Adobe Acrobat Reader (for help files)
- Adobe Flash Player (for video tutorials)
- Registration:
- This version requires a valid key for Pegasus 3.0 that should be in your account at DAZ. The license key is in one of the forms below:
- Name: UserName Key: 1111-111-1111-111
- Serial Key: UserName 1111-111-1111-111
- To Register:
- Click the Register button on the application reminder window.
- Enter UserName in the Name field (No spaces).
- Enter 1111-111-1111-111 in the Key field (use copy and paste—don’t try to type it).
- *Numbers here are only provided for illustration purposes
- Press OK.
Compatible Figures:
Compatible Software:
Install Types:
Where to buy: Daz3d
Publish date: September 5, 2016