Great power does not only means Great Responsibility but also demands serious hardware. For all your favourite superheroes, super-villains, cyborgs, robots, mutants, aliens and other weirdos we are bringing the one and only super Telepathic Enhancer Machine capable to expand and intensify their mostly (mental) capabilites into ultimate super-power of destruction (or perhaps salvation). Telepathic Enhancer Machine is situated in insulated secret room located in deep undeground, city sewer system, on the bottom of apparenly dead volcano, abandoned military base, remote tropical island and so on... consisting of brain probes and scanners, huge amplifiers, power generators, coolers and other mysterious devices. But you can use it also for reprogramming hostile cyborgs, mining secret plans from enemy agents or just for ruling the world from unknown secret place... Enjoy your power!
What is included:
Poser Figures:
Telepathic Enhancer Room
Telepathic Enhancer Generator
Neural Probe Core IKs ON
Neural Probe Core Easy Pose
Gas Tanks, Force Field, Operator Console, Hoses and Cables
Three texture Variants for Generator
Four texture Variants for Console
Three texture Variants for Generator Screen
Two Texture Variants for Room Floor
Two Texture Variants for Room Walls
Two Texture Variants for Floor Rim
Five Colour Variants for Room Ambient Light Stripes
Five Michael 4 Poses
Utility Poses for hiding Various parts of Figures
4 Multilight Preset
2 Component Lights Presets
9 Main Camera Presets
High Resolution Textures up to 4kx4k suitable for close-ups
Product Files:
ReadMe File
Digital ProductFile (1): 34.23 MBFile (2): 33.31 MBFile (3): 849 KB