Scenic Roads 2

Scenic Roads 2

Here are eleven photos of two-lane roads in wilder areas of Washington state, mostly from places in the Cascade mountains. They are from several different locations including Snoqualmie Valley, North Cascades Highway, Mount Rainier National Park, and near Seabrook (on the coast).

Four photos are 4000x3000 pixels (12 megapixels), one is 2848x2134 (6.08 megapixels), one is 4000x2484 (9.94 megapixels), one is 4000x2100 (8.4 megapixels), one is 4000x2796 (11.18 megapixels), one is 4000x2784 (11.14 megapixels), two are 2816x2112 (5.95 megapixels). Why all the odd sizes? Many of these were taken with a hand-held camera in a moving vehicle. Trim work was needed. And yes, I did have to throw out a LOT of photos. Couldn't I stop to take photos? I wasn't driving, and the driver was *deaf* to all protests that I couldn't get good photos while we were moving. (Well, he was cheap, anyhow, and since I don't drive, a driver was necessary.)

Stock Photography for Daz Studio and Poser