Pit-Stop Droid

Pit-Stop Droid

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Pit-Stop Droid for Daz Studio is a fully functional -- RIGGED, WEiGHTED, MORPHED, AND TEXTURED -- droid, used as a Mechanic in the Star Wars books, films, and series. Thank you for purchasing Pit-Stop Droid. It comes with 4 IRAY material preset and POSES. Enjoy! Use Genesis 8 Poses for Legs and Torso! Chest, Arms, Neck and Head Poses for manually work.
Product Requirements and Compatibility
Programs Required: Daz Studio 4
Models Required: Daz Studio 4
- DAZ Install Manager -- DIM
- Unzip the zip file into a temporarily folder
- Copy the 'data, People and Runtime' folders in the unzipped folder and paste them into your DAZ 3D Library folder. (e.g. C:Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library)

Where to buy: RenderHub

Publish date: February 23, 2022

Pit-Stop Droid | 3D Models for Daz Studio and Poser