Porge Car

Porge Car
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Combine luxury with speed and you have the Porge car! Designed with a high visual appeal makes it an instant eye catcher, both the interior and exterior!

Featuring moveable parts such as:
Opening the doors
Rotating the steering wheel
Moving the gears
Adjusting the seats (all four of them)
Opening the hood
Opening the boot
Turning the wheels
Adjusting the rearview mirror
and opening the glove compartment!

The front and back features a dual storage system so items can be stored in either side.
The rear doors open in reverse to add an even more modern twist. Built in high quality and balanced to save PC resources.

OBJ included for other use

Software: Poser 7+, Daz Studio 3

Where to buy: Renderosity

Publish date: February 26, 2016

Transportation for Poser and Daz Studio