Wooden Walkway set for Daz Studio Two-Boat Dock READY-TO-RENDER Scene and Poses

Wooden Walkway set for Daz Studio Two-Boat Dock READY-TO-RENDER Scene and Poses

If you already own the Wooden Walkway set for Daz Studio, you can quickly create this two-boat dock using the scene preload, or you can load the desired individual pieces and apply the positional pose for each prop desired. The scene preload will automaticaly load these pieces/props prepositioned into Scene to create the Two-Boat Dock: FwalkwayWWS (1), StairsWWS (1), ArchWWS (1), RwalkwayWWS (1), WwayplaineWWS (1), and BentwalkwayWWS (2). This pose set is versatile enough for small water craft and medium size floating vessels. You can Group the pieces to easily move the dock anywhere needed for your scene environment. You can also hide individual pieces to make a small dock configuration for very small craft or simply a figure sitting and fishing from the dock. This ready to render scene has everything already configured for your dock, so just add water, land, and boats to create that perfect dock environment.

Software: Daz Studio 4

Required Products: Wooden Walkway set for Daz Studio

Props for Poser and Daz Studio