Here are thirteen members of the Imperial Guard Unit of the Achaemenian "Immortal Guards" in *.obj file format.
Three of the Immortals, Amjad, Jafar and Orand are in "standing guard" position. These three can be placed in any street scene or posed in front of the Istahr Government Building or Fire Temple. All the Immortals are scaled to match the general size of the generic Poser and Daz figures, although the Immortals are a little bit taller than these figures. You can place these figures in the background for your own characters in your own scenes.
Four of the figures are in various poses where they are fighting with scimitars and swords. Amjad and Jalil are using scimitars, Orand is using a scimitar and shield in one pose. Jafar is using a two-handed sword in another pose.
Four of the figures are fighting with spears. Jafar has a spear and is dodging another fighter, but in another pose, he has a spear ready to attack another fighter. Jalil is posed blocking another fighter with his spear. Orand is posed thrusting his spear at another fighter.
Two of the figures are posed with bow and arrow. Orand has a full bow ready to release an arrow, while Jalil is reaching behind his back - withdrawing an arrow from his quiver.
The Immortals are dressed in the clothing and armor worn by the Immortal Guards as nearly as it can be reconstructed from the stone carvings found at Persepolis, and from Greek drawings and paintings of them. Light colored fine silks with gold trim were worn in the summer and for formal presentations - heavier, darker woven green cloth was used for winter and ordinary service wear. (Material for both summer and winter clothing for all figures is included.)
These static figures are intended for you to use in filling out scenes of your own. They are high resolution characters so that you can pose your own characters against them in closeup views. Alternatively, the figures can be used as stand alone in scenes where they are fighting against enemy warriors, or they can be placed in barracks practice scenes where they are training against each other.
The Immortal Guards were legendary warriors of the Acheamenian Empire. Ancient Persians did not write their own histories. What we know of the Acheamenian Immortal Guard is based on the observations of Greek historians who came into contact with them, their drawings of the men, the stonework reflief figures at Persepholis, and their depicition in a set of enameled tiles found at the Palace of Darius The First at Susa. We know that these elite warriors were key to the conquest of Egypt in 525 BCE, to Darius' invasion of Scythia and areas of modern India and Pakistan. Greek records verify that Immortals participated in the invasion of Greece in 479 BCE and in the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BCE. The Immortal Guards were a "light infantry". Some members were spearmen, some were swordsmen, and some were archers. Members of the Imperial Guard unit typically were skilled in all weapons and in archery.
Software: Vue 7, Poser 7+, 3DS Max, Daz Studio 4, Maya, Cinema 4D, LightWave, Blender