Detailing with Decals : Essential Workflows for Realistic Texturing

Detailing with Decals : Essential Workflows for Realistic Texturing

Have you struggled to complete your model with realistic and head-turning textures?

Are you still struggling to find a complete and ordered workflow for getting that "used and worn" textured look for your project?

Join Martin Gehrke in this tutorial set to help you achieve your objectives with texturing. He'll show you one or more recommended approaches and workflows to quickly reach your goals.

He will demystify the application of lettering, graphic decals, height painting and the 'intelligent self placing' materials.

Starting with a blank white prop, he will explore how to texture an entire item to make it look used and second hand. First basic materials will be applied, then we'll apply all of the decals, including any lettering. Next comes dust effects and finally, we'll work on getting a realistic variation in bumpiness.

About the Presenter : Martin Gehrke

Martin has a University degree as a psychologist and achieved further university studies in Business Management and Computer Sciences. Since the age of 15 he has been a pilot and later as a flight instructor. After finishing university, he worked as an expert consultant for a series of airline pilots and astronauts and also specialized in aircraft accident investigation.

In 2007 he decided together with his wife to work and live in Africa. In DR Congo, in the middle of the real jungle and in civil war areas, he re-organized a project for the re-integration of former child soldiers, helping more than 2,300 children and teens. Later, in Uganda, Martin worked for two years as a consultant to the head of the national umbrella organization for all rural co-operatives, implementing systems for project monitoring and evaluation.

Martin has been doing traditional painting and drawing since a young age. In 2002 he discovered, together with his two sons, the magic of Digital Arts and has been using Poser, Bryce, Carrara, Hexagon, Daz Studio, Lightwave, UV-Mapper Pro, UV-Layout and Paintshop. After returning from Africa three years ago, he decided to work as a content creator under the brand ‘Bytefactory3D’, working with family and friends who are also digital or traditional artists.

For three years now Martin also teaches (part time) ‘Digital Arts’ at a local school, using Daz Studio to introduce students to this amazing subject!

What's Included and Features

  • Session 1 : Systematic Overview for Detailing with Decals
  • Duration : 1 hour 47 minutes
    • How to use just sections of a black and white mask
    • How to use a black and white mask as a texturing stamp
    • Successfully applying a coloured source image onto the model
    • Great methods to handle UV seams. A choice of methods and when to use them
    • How to apply lettering decals fast. Which methods can be applied most quickly
    • Painted decals or text should replace the 'height' or 'normal' properties of the underlying material. How?
    • A source image is already prepared according to the UV template, how to apply it to the model?
    • How materials should autonomously respect physical surface properties
    • How to apply snow, dust, mud, moss and more to appear correctly on different surfaces
  • Session 2: Realistic Texturing for your Spacecraft : Texturing Larger Assets
  • Duration : 1 hour 38 minutes
  • Learn how to get that "used" look for your spacecraft or tech-type asset
    • Continuation of applying snow, dust, mud, moss and more from part 1
    • How to deal with the workflow for larger assets such as a spaceship
    • How to get typical surface properties for this genre - with damage, dirt, fuel stains and decal painting


  • This product includes:
    • 2 General Installers

Install Types:

Install Manager, Manual Install

Where to buy: Daz3d

Publish date: March 4, 2018